Friday, September 20, 2013

Pre Week Part 2

Something I forgot to mention in the last entry is I decided to get checked out by a doctor before I started my juice fast. I explained what I was doing and my plan. Although he really didn't seem all that interested, he did say that he thought it would be a good thing for me to do. He told me what I already knew. I was really over weight and it wasn't going to be long before it really affected my health and activity. He reviewed my labs from a year and half before and ordered new ones. 

A couple days later I was able to look up my results:

They were pretty much as expected, overall cholesterol was up but still under 200, LDL was down and Triglycerides were really high. Almost double what they should be.

 *What are triglycerides? Simply put, triglycerides are fat in the blood and are used to provide energy to the body. If you have extra triglycerides, they are stored in different places in case they are needed later. 
High triglyceride levels have been linked to a greater chance for heart disease. Just what your triglyceride levels mean and how much lowering triglycerides reduces heart disease risk is sometimes less clear. Triglycerides are important to human life and are the main form of fat in the body. When you think of fat developing and being stored in your hips or belly, you're thinking of triglycerides. Consider these things. Triglycerides are the end product of digesting and breaking down fats in meals. Some triglycerides are made in the body from other energy sources such as carbohydrates.

So obviously I would like to see that number go down. 

Well today is going to be the start of my Green Juice Fast. I'm pretty excited and looking forward to it. I don't want to called it a diet but more of a "Reboot" is I could steal a term from Joe of FSAND. With the intention of changing my eating habits for good. 

*source- WebMD

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