Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 49

Day 49      Nov 6th 2013

Well its been a couple days since I posted and lots of stuff going on! I've been getting tons of hits on this blog and lots of kind messages from people who like it. I think there have been something like 800 hits in the last week. Hopefully I have inspires others to get healthy as well!

So on Sunday I went to the event I talked about in my last post Healthy Taste of LA.
It was so amazing I don't even know where to start. Ok well first thing,  as I said before my amazing cousin Amanda invited me to come to the event. I get there and there is a seat reserved for me in the front row. Same row as all the speakers that were there. But then she took me around and introduced me to everyone.

First up was Dr. Alan Goldhamer founder of the TrueNorth Health Center. He is a fasting expert and was very interested in how my fast was going. He gave me a lot of pointers on what to do when I'm done with my fast and transitioning back to food. Check out the website for TrueNorth Health Center they are doing amazing stuff there. They not only help people get healthy while they are at the center but how to continue to live a healthy lifestyle when you leave. With their amazing Chef Ramses Bravo they promote a healthy diet  derived form whole natural foods using no Salt, Oils or Sugar.  (SOS) Chef Bravo was also there and made up some tasty dishes that I unfortunately did not eat. He did a great demonstration on how dressing are made and how you can make them yourself without the oil and salt.

Next up was Miyoko Schinner a gourmet restauranteur and vegan food expert. There was a reason Amanda took me to her. I had expressed my love of cheese as a reason I don't think I could become a vegan. Miyoko quickly told me that's not a valid excuse and she will show me why. Turns out that she has created recipes for making homemade non dairy cheeses that retain all the complexity and sharpeness of their dairy counterparts while incorporating nutritious nuts and plant based milks. Again she was amazing!

I will add more later, time to pick up the kiddos from school and off to girl scouts....


  1. Congratulations Jeffery! You are an inspiration! I actually just started a 60 day juice fast yesterday. I've been juicing for a couple months now, and i think it's time to take the leap. I'm doing it for the exact same reason you are. I can't continue on the same path of nutrition. Fast food and unhealthy living has been a staple in my life on and off for the last ten years. I hope after this 60 days, I can transition into healthy eating and achieving total wellness.

    I do have one question for you though. I have gone on fad diets in the past, and most of them lacked of caloric intake. Basically a dieter would plateau because your body goes into a "starvation mode". Have you had any problems reaching a proper caloric intake and have you found that you are plateauing?

  2. I just read through your posts . . . very inspiring! i came here from Reboot with Joe, I am on day ONE! while i do have a strong headache, i am determined to get detoxed. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Michael, Thank you very much. In the beginning this blog was really a way to keep myself accountable. Now I'm really hoping that it continues to inspire others to get on a path to getting healthy. As for you question, I haven't really had a problem with that. I'm on day 55 I think and I have continued to lose weight, it has of course slowed down but I think I am still losing at least 4-5 lbs a week. I'm hoping to hit the big 50 lbs lost buy tomorrow or the next day. I'm within a pound. I do feel it if I don't drink enough juice throughout the day and really notice if I don't have enough water.
    Keep it up and make sure you have a plan for when you stop your fast. I recommend that you keep juicing everyday and eat healthy meals in between.

  4. Anonymous,
    Headache after day one can be a few things. Not enough juice, to much fruit in your juice and not enough greens. (too much sugar) not enough water, or caffeine withdrawal. Stick with it, in a couple days you will feel amazing.
    BTW I used to get headaches all the time, at least 2-3 times a week. I always said it was from hours in front a computer screen. Well I haven't had a headache since day 4 when I detoxed. Over 50 days ago and I'm still spending the same amount of time in front of the screen. I also would take advil almost daily for headaches and haven't had a single advil since before the fast started.

  5. Thanks Jeffery! Wow, fifty pounds, amazing job! I'm looking forward to reading your future posts.

  6. Just read through all your blogs. Great information and story. I'm approaching 40 in a few years and want to loose some weight as well to keep up with my 2 babies. I normally try to do Paleo which I enjoy, but I fall of pretty hard when it comes to my sweet tooth. I'm hoping to do a 30 day challenge which will lead me to getting used to eating more veggies and fruits instead of reaching for that dark 85% candy bar. Keep up the great blogging!
