Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 107

Day 107    Jan 3rd, 2014

Hello Juice Friends, 

Well it's a new year and it has already been pretty good. New Year's Eve was very cool. My good friends asked if I wanted to go hiking with them on the 1st. They have seen the results I've been having and after reading this blog, wanted to pick my brain a little. Then I received a message on Facebook from someone I went to high school with. She is on her own path to getting healthy and checked out the blog. Hopefully we can share and help each other along the way. I've also received lots of messages from friends of friends as well as strangers asking for advice and giving support. 
The night got better as I rang in the new year with some really awesome people. I'm really looking forward to 2014 and hope they are part of it. We had such a great time although some may not of been feeling to good the next day. 
The next morning I woke up and decided to check the scale. 199.8! This is the first time I have been under 200 lbs in over 20 years. What an amazing feeling! It was also pretty great the night before to not be able to find anything to wear because all my 2x and 3x cloths just hang off me. I even ordered a new Buddhist Boot Camp T-Shirt because the one I had was too big. Well I ordered a XL and it was still to big. I've been able to buy some shirts in size Large. 
In addition to paying it forward with what I've learned about juicing and a plant based diet, I've given out several copies of the Buddhist Boot Camp book. I really think it's a great book that can help you live a little happier in your everyday life. I've received nothing but positive feedback. 
While I was sitting updating the blog I noticed a Facebook message from another friend from high school. He said he is in the same boat as many of us and ready for a lifestyle change. It is just so cool to have people ask you for advice and be able to give it. 
Well I've also had some great food this week. MA PO Tofu at PF Chang's, it's spicy garlic-red chili sauce with crispy silken tofu in a ring of steamed broccoli. It was so good! I also made my own garlic Hummus that was oil free. It came out a little fluffy instead of creamy without the oil, but tasted yummy. 

So going into the new year I would like to continue on my path to a happier healthier me. I would also like to continue to help others get on tract to do the same thing. I had said earlier in the blog that I wasn't sure if I would be able to go completely plant based but so far I have and it's not really that hard to do. And I also want to learn to live without the Salts, Oils, and Sugars. That is a challenge because almost everything you buy in a store has all 3 of those  in once way or another. 
Happy Juicing 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeff Carolmarol here! I got your e-mail and read your blog. I so identify with you on over the years reading and getting informed about heathy lifestyle and doing all those fad diets . I have stopped eating meat but thats about it, really I still eating all the juck food ! So you are an inspiration to me! Thank you also as I mentioned in my intro post I am using a nutribulit ( because I am still paying for it lol) have you heard of anyone else using this method? I also am going to get the book budda boot camp! Keep up the blogs I need and enjoy reading about your journey! Have a great day!
