Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 115

Day 15     January 12th 2014
Well the new year is really starting off amazing! First off I want to give a big shout out to my friend Frank. I have mentioned him a few times in my blog. Frank and I have been friends since we were 10 years old. Even though we live on different sides of the country, we still talk on a regular basis. We have both struggled with our weight since our early 20's. He has been super supportive of me trying to get healthy and even tried juicing himself. Well even though it didn't go well the first time, he has started a fast again and is on day 10! He is already talking about how much better he feels and of course losing weight. I am so excited for him and his family!
I'm also really excited about going to Texas in a few days for the New Year New You Health Fest. Can't wait to see my cousin Amanda, she has been one of my biggest supporters. She has also introduced me to some amazing people. I'm a little bummed that that my friend Lisa can't make it, but I know that she is even more bummed than I am.
I have continued to spread the word to anyone that will listen about the benefits of juicing and a plant based diet. This blog has not had over 16,000 hits so I must be talking a lot! In the process of dishing out advice I came across a Facebook page called Juicing for Health, which led me to the website Juicing for Health with Sara Ding. What an amazing Facebook page and website. Sara has so much great information on juicing on her page. She has also written a couple books in what she calls the Healthy Pretty Happy Lifestyle Series.
The e-books The Healthy Pretty Happy way to Juicing and 100 Healthy Pretty Happy Juice Recipes are available for just $6.95 for both at Healthy Pretty Happy Lifestyle Series. I recommend that everyone checks our her site and Like her Facebook Page. Not that she needs my help, her page has over 500,000 likes.
The other kinda cool thing that happen this weekend, I tried a new Farmers Market new my house in Wrightwood CA. It's only about 7 miles from my house and I had no idea it was even there. I met some really great people there including the people from the family farm that sponsors the market. They gave me a lot of pointers for starting my garden in the spring. There was also a woman that I was telling her all about  my juicing and plant based diet. It turns out that she is has been a vegan for many years and a big fan of Dr. McDougall and went on trip to Costa Rica with the McDougall group this past summer. If you don't know who Dr. McDougall is click on the link to his page. The McDougall Health & Medical Center's slogan is "It's the food" I can do a blog entry just on Dr. McDougall (good idea)  She was so excited to tell me all about her trip. She went zip lining, river rafting, and snorkeling which sounded pretty incredible, especially when she told me she is 78 years old! Just amazing, and she give all the credit to her healthy plant based lifestyle.

That's all for now, Happy Juicing!!!!


  1. Hi...been following your blog since someone mentioned it to me. I want to start a juice fast. My concern is regarding when to do my juicing. I go to work at 6am and do not want to juice that early because I will wake up the whole house. Can I juice the night before?

  2. Jeri, Sorry It took so long to reply. I have been so busy the last couple weeks and I have really neglected the blog. Yes you can juice the night before. I juice the night before and put it in 18oz glass bottles. I have an insulated lunch bag that I take with me with a couple bottles. I use reusable Ice blocks and they say cold all day.

  3. Really a great blog! I take goji berry juice. There's a lot of talk these days about antioxidants. Antioxidants are vital for reversing free radicals - impure oxygen compounds which are produced by the body's metabolism, tampering with DNA, challenging the immune system and accelerating the visible signs of aging.
    Goji berry juice

  4. I have a lot of health problems and can't eat a lot of foods. I mostly have to stay away from gluten and can't eat a lot of meats. Fruits and vegetables are a big part of my meals everyday. Getting a juicer and learning about how to juice certain fruits and vegetables has helped make my life less plain and more fun.
