Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 139

Day 139    February 6th, 2013

Hello fellow juicers and soon to be juicers,
Some exciting news, today posted an interview that they did about my journey.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Happy Juicing


  1. I read about your journey! such an inspiration! I've been juicing since 2009. Started with only carrots and cucumber juice everyday... then explored more juice combinations and now I use more veggies than fruits. I still eat solid food and indulge myself with junk food once in while though... :) i dont have any problem with my weight but I just want to have a healthier lifestyle. I hope I can do a juice fast without craving solid food.

    1. Lea, That is awesome, wow since 2009. When I was fasting I drank my juice all throughout the day when ever I started to get hungry. That seemed to work. If you don't have a problem with weight you obviously wont have to fast very long to detox your system. Good luck and Happy Juicing. :)

  2. Really enjoying your blog. I had a question, but didn't see an email address posted anywhere. I have been trying to juice for some time now, but always get thrown off when I travel for work (at least one or two weeks per month). Have you found any commercially available juices that aren't full of "crap"?

    1. Adam, No I really haven't found any store bought juice that is not filled with artificial sweeteners or is just almost all fruit and no veggies. That would be really tough to be on the road that much. I know Joe Cross travels with his juicer but I don't know how practical that would be.
      Good Luck and Happy Juicing

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