Day 183 March 22, 2014
WOW day 183!!!!
Its been over 6 months since I started on a journey to a healthier me! And what a journey its been. First off I would like to apologize for taking so long to update the blog. It has been a rough month or so. Not for my health and juicing and plant based eating...that is going better than ever. Ive just had a lot of personal and business setbacks that have really just dragged me down and taken all my time. Aside from that I feel amazing and cannot be happier with my new lifestyle and the new friends I have made.
So on to whats been going on, first some updates on some of the people that have been sending messages.
This is the most recent message i received from my old high school friend Jim:
"Hey Jeff. Just wanted to thank you again for being the inspiration for one of the biggest thing I have done for myself in YEARS. I have completed the 60 days. Although I am gong to do another 14 days. In the 60 days I lost 55.5 pounds. I am at 198.5. I literally can't remember the last time I was under 200 pounds."
That is so awesome and I am so happy for him!
And this is a message that my friend Cathy just posted on Facebook yesterday:
"I'm so proud of my Family----We knew we had to get into shape to be around for our families!! Frank and Jeff took the lead and inspired the rest of us. Janell took over and she is doing Fantastic! You all have kept me going through January when I was changing my nutrition from junk to plant base. I love all you guys and I'm the luckiest person a live!!! Just a side note....last time I weighed myself, I was tipping at 230lbs. I couldn't do anything but sit on the sofa. Now I work with a trainer three times a week, bike and hike!! That girl I use to be is making her appearance. I can't wait to give her a big ole wet kiss!!"
A few people have sent me messages asking about my friend that was found unresponsive and had to be take to the hospital. I am happy to say that he is doing great. Not sure what the cause was but his doctors told him not to worry and he has a clean bill of health. And actually with his diet and workout routine he really looks great.
I have received tons of new messages from people saying they have been inspired by this blog or have seen me recently and want to know more about how to get started on juicing and plant based eating. I really do love helping people and really never stop taking about it. So I have started a Facebook page:
Green Juicing Life Facebook
Please check it out and give me a like. I have also started a webpage:
Green Juicing Life
The webpage is not up yet but will be as soon as I can get some time.
I have been not only truing more juice recipes but also more vegan plant based dishes. It still seems so funny to me that I will sit and eat a plate full of vegetables. And Ive almost perfected my hummus recipe using no silt oil or sugar.
I'm getting ready to start my first vegetable garden as well. I can't wait to start eating and juicing my own vegetables.
Thats all for now